Download submission forms below:
Office Hours:
Mon to Fri 08:00 – 16:00
Whatsapp: +27(0) 81 709 1379
Tel: +27(0) 18 175 0973
E-Mail: [email protected]
Courier Address:
Lumegen Laboratories
Maree Park building, 3 Maree Street
Potchefstroom, 2531
Postal Address:
Lumegen Laboratories
Postnet 462, Private bag X1288
Potchefstroom, 2520
Avian / Poultry Intro
The following test is now available:
- Mycoplasma gallisepticum – synoviae (combination) Elisa & PCR
- Infectious Bursal Disease Virus – Elisa
- Infectious Bronchitis Virus – Elisa
- Egg Drop Syndrome Virus – Elisa
- Avain Encephalomyelitis Virus – Elisa
- Infectious Laryngotracheitis – Elisa
- Avian Rhinotracheitis – Elisa
Batch pricing available
Avian / Poultry Intro
1. Mycoplasma gallisepticum
Mycoplasma gallisepticum is commonly involved in the polymicrobial “chronic respiratory disease” in broiler chickens, leading to increased condemnations in the processing plant. In layers and breeders, it is usually subclinical, but causes a reduction in the number of eggs laid per hen over the production cycle.
2. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus
Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is seen in young domestic chickens worldwide and is caused by infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). Symptoms of the clinical disease can include depression, watery diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and dehydration. Depending on the IBDV strain and presence of maternal immunity, the disease can also present as a clinical or subclinical disease in young chicks.
3. Infectious Bronchitis Virus
Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is an avian gammacoronavirus that only causes disease in chickens, although the virus has also been found in pheasants and peafowl, which may be subclinically infected. The virus is worldwide in distribution, and there are many antigenic types that can cocirculate in a given region.
4. Egg Drop Syndrome Virus
Egg drop syndrome is an adenovirus-induced disease characterized by the production of pale, thin-shelled, soft-shelled, or shell-less eggs by apparently healthy laying hens.
5. Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus
Avian encephalomyelitis is a viral infection affecting the CNS of several species of birds. Signs include tremors, ataxia, and weakness that progresses to paralysis. In severe outbreaks, morbidity and mortality may exceed 50%. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical signs, histopathology, and isolation of the virus. A live vaccine is available to prevent transmission and reduce egg losses.
6. Infectious Laryngotracheitis
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an acute, highly contagious, herpesvirus infection of chickens and pheasants characterized by severe dyspnea, coughing, and rales. It can also be a subacute disease with nasal and ocular discharge, tracheitis, conjunctivitis, and mild rales.
7. Avian Rhinotracheitis
- Decreased appetite, weight gain and feed efficiency.
- Facial and head swelling (though this can occur in other conditions).
- Loss of voice.
- Ocular and nasal discharge.
- Conjunctivitis.
- Snick.
- Dyspnoea.
- Sinusitis.

Avian / Poultry Intro
Email us at [email protected]
Avian / Poultry Intro
It’s very important to complete the original Lumegen designed submission form since it contains a disclosure. According to laboratory standards, all the submission forms must be filed for a minimum period of 3 years before it can be eliminated.
The Bovine DNA Tests Submission Form can be downloaded in MS WORD format. This format allows the user to save and complete the form on their computer. Send an email to [email protected] and attach the form. We will print your submission form for you. As an alternative, you may also print and complete the form by hand.
For first time users it’s important to complete the Owner/Breeder section completely and accurately so that detailed contact info are available and that results can be sent confidentially. First-time users will receive a client ID when results are sent. This client ID can be used as reference when you do electronic bank transfers to Lumegen Laboratories.
The price list is indicated on the submission form. Payments can be done in cash when the samples are delivered at the laboratory. Please note that we don’t have debit/credit card facilities at the laboratory.
Payments can also be done via electronic bank transfer to:
Account Name: Lumegen Laboratories
Nedbank cheque account number: 1046653296
Branch number: 171338 (Potchefstroom)
Indicate your name or Lumegen ID (ex. VAN 123) to appear on the beneficiary’s (Lumegen’s) statement.
Email your proof of payment to [email protected].
Avian / Poultry Intro
It’s very important to complete the original Lumegen designed submission form since it contains a disclosure. According to laboratory standards, all the submission forms must be filed for a minimum period of 3 years before it can be eliminated.
The Avian/Parrots DNA Tests Submission Form can be downloaded in MS WORD format. This format allows the user to save and complete the form on their computer. Send an email to [email protected] and attach the form. We will print your submission form for you. As an alternative, you may also print and complete the form by hand.
For first time users it’s important to complete the Owner/Breeder section completely and accurately so that detailed contact info are available and that results can be sent confidentially. First-time users will receive a client ID when results are sent. This client ID can be used as reference when you do electronic bank transfers to Lumegen Laboratories.
Provide your unique Bird ID (ring number or any unambiguous identification you use for the bird) as well as the species of each bird. It’s crucial for the accuracy of the tests to determine the species of the bird as the sex-associated genes differs between the various bird species. Also clearly indicate what type of test you request for each bird (either or both tests).
Complete the form using permanent ink (not pencil) and save a copy for your own record.
Attach the proof of payment along with the form.
The price list is indicated on the submission form. Payments can be done in cash when the samples are delivered at the laboratory. Please note that we don’t have debit/credit card facilities at the laboratory.
Payments can also be done via electronic bank transfer to:
Account Name: Lumegen Laboratories
Nedbank cheque account number: 1046653296
Branch number: 171338 (Potchefstroom)
Indicate your name or Lumegen ID (ex. VAN 123) to appear on the beneficiary’s (Lumegen’s) statement.
Email your proof of payment to [email protected].
Avian / Poultry Intro
When you’re in a hurry to get your results, we recommend a courier service. Please note that we have our own courier service in co-operation with an established courier company. For only R50-R150 (depending on the area) your package will be collected at your doorstep and delivered to our address in only 1-3 days (depending on the area) . You may also personally deliver your parcel at the laboratory or use a courier or postal service of your choice.
Don’t forget to include your submission form and proof of payment when you send your samples.
NB: When using SA Post Office service, always use registered post and save your tracking number.
The privacy of our clients is very important to us. We will never disclose any personal information to outside sources or test results to anyone except the person who submitted the tests.
Avian / Poultry Intro
Coming Soon…